Stories of serverless in the wild with Saks Fifth Avenue and IOpipe

John Kinmonth
IOpipe Blog
Published in
2 min readFeb 8, 2019


Lessons in building serverless data pipelines and safe enterprise deployments at this month’s Serverless Seattle Meetup at Madrona’s Create33 space

It’s one thing to listen to speakers at a conference discuss aspirational use cases of new technology where the strategic “why” is covered ad nauseam.

But, it’s entirely a whole other thing to learn the “what” and the “how” from the “who” that is actually doing it “when” and “where.”

Don’t miss the chance to get your serverless five Ws, one H, and one P covered at the Serverless Seattle Meetup organized by Matt Weagle on Feb. 21 at Madrona’s Create33.

The “P” is for pizza.

Sean Sullivan, Principal Software Engineer from Hudson’s Bay Company, will dive deep on how Hudson’s Bay retail brand, Saks Fifth Avenue, adopted ‘safe deployment’ practices for AWS Lambda functions, including traffic shifting, traffic hooks, YAML configuration, and more.

Meanwhile, IOpipe CEO and Co-founder Adam Johnson will share lessons learned from building serverless data pipelines at scale. While the availability of Lambda and streaming technologies such as Kinesis make it simple for anyone to build apps that scale to processing billions of API requests per month, Adam will explore pitfalls and challenges inherent in IOpipe’s serverless ingestion journey.

To attend, register here.

About Sean:

Sean has worked on a variety of backoffice engineering projects, including payment processing and email generation. He is a contributor to open source projects and has contributed to Amazon’s AWS SDK for Java version 2.0. He lives in Portland Oregon.

About Adam:
Adam is co-founder and CEO of IOpipe, where he has spent the last two and a half years building out developer tools to make developing serverless applications more fun. Adam has been building startups for the last 10 years, and he currently lives in Seattle.

