New Serverless Plugin for IOpipe Monitoring and Observability via AWS Lambda Layers

Michael Lavers
IOpipe Blog
Published in
2 min readApr 2, 2019


IOpipe just released a new Serverless plugin to add monitoring and observability to your Lambda functions without requiring code changes.

If you’re using the Serverless Framework to build, deploy, and operate your applications on AWS Lambda, we built our new plugin to make it simple for developers to get realtime high-resolution invocation metrics and intuitive debugging for their serverless applications.

Through AWS Lambda Layers, this new release bundles all of IOpipe’s plugins in a single layer to instantly provide intuitive observability and realtime high-resolution invocation metrics so developers spend less time configuring and more time building.

Whether you’re trying to instantly identify individual functions slowing down the performance of your applications or automatically trace an HTTP/S call, the Serverless IOpipe Layers plugin includes the following features:

  • Supports Node.js and Python runtimes (more runtimes to come)
  • No code change required to enable IOpipe
  • Bundles all of IOpipe’s observability plugins in a single layer including:
  • Auto-tracing
  • Intuitive debugging
  • Realtime high-resolution invocation metrics
  • Error Aggregation Alerts (with PagerDuty integration)
  • Function Profiling

What exactly are Layers, though?

A layer is a ZIP archive that contains libraries, a custom runtime, or other dependencies. With layers, you can use libraries in your function without needing to include them in your deployment package.

Layers let you keep your deployment package smaller and helpsavoid errors that can occur when you install and package dependencies with your function code.

To learn more about how to publish and use AWS Lambda Layers with the Serverless Framework, read the the following tutorial.

To get a full introduction to AWS Lambda Layers, read our recent blog post, “Cutting through the layers: Lambda Layers explained.”

Installing the Serverless IOpipe Layers Plugin:

With NPM:

npm install — save-dev serverless-iopipe-layers

With yarn:

yarn add — dev serverless-iopipe-layers

Add the plugin to your serverless.yml:

plugins:- serverless-iopipe-layers

Get a free IOpipe token and plug it into your serverless.yml:

custom:iopipe:token: your-iopipe-token-here

Deploy and you’re all set.

To try instant observability and monitoring for free (up to a million invocations per month), sign up today.

About IOpipe

As the leader in serverless dev tooling for monitoring and observability, IOpipe offers real-time visibility into the most granular behaviors of today’s serverless applications on AWS Lambda.

Founded in 2016 by Erica Windisch and Adam Johnson, IOpipe reduces debugging time from hours to seconds, delivers transparent insights into the behaviors and performance of your serverless functions, and reduces risk for enterprises shifting to serverless.

Working with global brands like Matson, Rackspace, and APM Music, IOpipe empowers engineering teams to deliver with confidence, debug intelligently, and get busy building the impossible.

In other words, IOpipe makes it a lot more fun to be a developer.

