Debugging the Node.js 10 runtime on AWS Lambda with IOpipe

Michael Lavers
IOpipe Blog
Published in
2 min readAug 13, 2019


In May, AWS announced the official launch of AWS Lambda support for the Node.js 10x runtime.

While there were immediate concerns with the runtime, as detailed by Michael Hart at Bustle and others like Brian Leroux, the latest update appears to have solved many of the issues.

Primary changes between Node.js 10 and Node.js 8 runtimes

Also announced in May, AWS Lambda has rolled out a new execution environment for AWS Lambda and the migration recently completed for all AWS Lambda functions on July 29th. This execution environment update upgrades the AMI to AWS Linux 2018.03 and offers improvements in capabilities, performance, security, and updated packages.

For developers who are building serverless applications on Node.js 10, IOpipe has updated our Lambda layer to include full tracing, profiling, metrics, and logging for the latest version. Publicly available on AWS and deployable via Serverless or SAM, we also offer a no-code install option via our Serverless Layers Plugin.

This plugin wraps your handlers without requiring a code change. If you’re currently using IOpipe, you can remove the wrapping code you currently have and this plugin will do it for you automatically. This plugin also supports all Python runtimes that AWS Lambda supports.

Here’s how to install

With NPM:

npm install --save-dev serverless-iopipe-layers

With yarn:

yarn add --dev serverless-iopipe-layers

Add the plugin to your serverless.yml:

- serverless-iopipe-layers

Get a free IOpipe token and plug it into your serverless.yml:

token: your-iopipe-token-here

sls deploy and you're all set.

If you’re interested in learning more about debugging AWS Lambda and IOpipe, we’re offering weekly live demos on Wednesdays at 10 am EST.

Sign-up here:

Or, as always, try IOpipe for free today.

About IOpipe

As the leader in serverless dev tooling for monitoring and observability, IOpipe offers real-time visibility into the most granular behaviors of today’s serverless applications on AWS Lambda.

Founded in 2016 by Erica Windisch and Adam Johnson, IOpipe reduces debugging time from hours to seconds, delivers transparent insights into the behaviors and performance of your serverless functions, and reduces risk for enterprises shifting to serverless.

Working with global brands like Matson, Rackspace, and APM Music, IOpipe empowers engineering teams to deliver with confidence, debug intelligently, and get busy building the impossible.

In other words, IOpipe makes it a lot more fun to be a developer. Visit to learn more and try it for free.

